Monday, September 6, 2010

Clutter Control For Collectors

I have spent so much time and money reading ways to get organized. One of the first bits of advice you will always find from the "experts" of clutter control, is to eliminate that clutter. Throw it, chuck it, fill up the land fills. I'm sorry that bit of thinking just doesn't work for me. A bit of advice, within the first page, from one of those "Clutter Control Experts" was that if you happened to be carrying around in your wallet a "Howdy Duty Membership card " from the 1950's , get rid of it! Excuse me! Do you know how much that card may be worth. Needless to say that book went back to the library immediately.
I'm a collector. A collector of many, many, many, things. My interests are also many and varied, explaining why I have too much stuff. I will never have a home clutter free and with the bare essentials. I can't even imagine what it would be like to have only one item per shelf. To those who are organized, clutter free freaks of nature, I salute you, but I can't become you, so I have decided to pursue to art of Clutter Control of Collectors.

Join me on this journey of discovery as we learn from each other, share tips and advice and find time to laugh at ourselves, and realize we are wonderfully interesting, healthy individuals, with varied interests that occupy our minds, hearts, and yes our homes.
So what do you collect?